Dojo es un SANTUARIO de entrenamiento físico y espiritual basado en las
enseñanzas del fundador del Aikido, O´sensei Morihei Ueshiba, donde
tratamos de completar la misión de difusión encomendada por él a todos
los practicantes... ofrecemos formación en valores a grupos de adultos e
infantiles para su crecimineto técnico e interior, reforzándo su
actitud en la vida a través del espíritu guerrero y el respeto a todos
los seres vivos, formando una Gran Familia.
Our Dojo is a SANCTUARY of physical and spiritual training based on the teachings of the founder of Aikido, O'sensei Morihei Ueshiba, where we try to complete the mission of dissemination entrusted by him to all practitioners... we offer training in values to groups of adults and children for their technical and interior growth, reinforcing their attitude in life through the warrior spirit and respect for all living beings, forming a Great Family.
Our Dojo is a SANCTUARY of physical and spiritual training based on the teachings of the founder of Aikido, O'sensei Morihei Ueshiba, where we try to complete the mission of dissemination entrusted by him to all practitioners... we offer training in values to groups of adults and children for their technical and interior growth, reinforcing their attitude in life through the warrior spirit and respect for all living beings, forming a Great Family.