Aikido es un BUDO moderno Universal, con origen en Japón de la mano de su fundador O´Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, quién gracias a su evolución en prácticas espirituales dinamizó antiguas técnicas letales de guerra para crear un Arte Marcial que uniera al mundo en una Gran Familia...
En nuestro Santuario Aiki, tratamos de llevar a cabo la labor encomendada por O´Sensei con humildad. Entendemos que el Aikido que ofreciera al mundo, y que él mismo dio a luz, sigue vivo y en constante cambio. Por ese motivo trabajamos día a día para mejorar tanto es sus aspectos técnicos como espirituales, sin olvidar nunca los valores tradicionales que lo fundamentan.
Aikido is a modern Universal BUDO, originated in Japan by its founder O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, who thanks to its evolution in spiritual practices dynamized ancient lethal techniques of war to create a Martial Art that united the world in a Great Family ...
In our Aiki Sanctuary, we try to carry out the work entrusted by O'Sensei with humility. We understand that the Aikido that offered to the world, and that he himself gave birth, is still alive and in constant change. That is why we work day by day to improve both its technical and spiritual aspects, without forgetting the traditional values that support it.
In our Aiki Sanctuary, we try to carry out the work entrusted by O'Sensei with humility. We understand that the Aikido that offered to the world, and that he himself gave birth, is still alive and in constant change. That is why we work day by day to improve both its technical and spiritual aspects, without forgetting the traditional values that support it.